Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Management

Posted: October 17th, 2013





Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Management

Activity A

Question 1

Primarily, performance management is executed in a repetitive process. This process is normally employed by organizations with a view of helping them accomplish the set goals as stipulated by the organization’s statement. This is achieved by raising the performance of the entire organization, a particular team, or an individual. This is considered an effective means of achieving the set objectives. Performance management is a fundamental part of an organizations full approach on managing its staff and activities.

As a section of the system of performance management, the process of performance management is designed at achieving a number of objectives. This may include enabling each of the staff members to have an idea of what is expected from them in terms of both output and the appropriate style of behavior (Camilleri, Emanuel, and Der Van, 65). Another purpose of the performance management involves ensuring that the business objective has been accomplished and increasing the employees’ strength. It also works to allow the organization to examine the staff’s capability and plan for the staff’s succession.

Accomplishing the objectives of any business should be considered an essential aspect of any organizations survival. If the business objectives are to be accomplished, it is necessary for the upper management to take the initiative rather than communicating to the staff. After the staff has been informed of the objectives, there should be need to measure, appraise, action planning and monitoring. Nevertheless, the process of performance management incorporates the objectives of the organization from the beginning to the end. With a view of increasing the employee’s strength, it first has to be measured (Camilleri, Emanuel, and Der Van, 97). This strength is normally increased by reward and motivation. Motivation can be achieved through developing reward strategies and challenging work procedures. Usually, the design of the performance management process is fostered to assist employees in learning essential skills and information expected to bring constant growth to the company.

Question 2

An efficient performance management system needs to exhibit the following components. These include setting up objectives that stipulate a clarified view of what the job expects. Another component requires an adequate means of determining performance of the organization. This should be set to establish whether the organization is operating according to its set standards or not. The system should also be able to identify the organization’s strengths. This component should be able identify improvement areas, thus seeking joint agreement on the proper action plans. From this point, the system can be used to advice on the necessary steps needed to improve performance (Ohemeng, 84). Finally, the system should have a component based on job training. This is based on development activities such as coaching and rewards for exemplary performances.

Question 3

Motivation revolves around what people are made to think, behave or act in a certain way. The relationship between motivation and performance management is not complicated to understand. For instance, it is correct to state that highly motivated employees will offer better performance. Therefore, greater motivation leads to a sense of better performance. The theories that follow below offer both insight and advice on how people make working choices based on available rewards, individual preferences, and perceived outcomes of their work.

The reinforcement theory is centered on the law of effect by E.L Thorndike and gives a description of how behavior and consequences relate. This theory shifts its focus on the modification of an employee’s behavior while working through appropriate employment of certain techniques (Rantapuska, 157). The other theory is referred to as the goal setting theory that was introduced by Edwin Locke in the 60s. This theory suggests that goal oriented intentions are major sources pf motivation. In essence, goals direct employees on what they need to do and the amount of effort they should input. Primarily, the theory states the level of performance rises as the goals become more difficult.

Question 4

One factor to be taken into consideration when managing performance includes the level of skill. In this case, there is need to train managers with the necessary skill thus making them able to manage employees. The other factor involves relevance. In this case, it is necessary to analyze employees whose output does not affect the overall performance of the organization. Once identified, they have to be laid off. The third factor rests with identifying what component to evaluate (Ohemeng, 105). This involves proper identification of the components that relate to the organization’s performance and fine-tuning the identified component. The fourth factor the organization’s rules and regulations. This factor stipulates how staff and activities within the organization are to be conducted to promote maximum performance.

Activity B

Question 1

The major purpose of rewarding employees in an organization involves retaining, motivating employees, and reducing turnover. It is common fact that human resource is the most fundamental asset in an organization. Therefore, it is fundamental to make sure that this asset is working at optimum efficiency. In this case, human resource is a unique one with characteristic emotions. The output of this resource is subject to emotions. When an employee feels appreciated, he or she is consequently motivated to perform better (Camilleri, Emanuel, and Der Van, 72). On the other hand, other employees are bound to feel challenged should they witness they colleague being rewarded. Ultimately, their working performance will improve.

Question 2

One component of a total rewarding system is that it should be non-financial. In this case, the entire reward system includes numerous tools at the management’s exhaust. These tools can be used for the attraction, motivation, and retention of employees. From the point of view of an employee, rewards are a representation of what he or she sees of value from the employment relationship. The concept of reward covers both non-financial and financial pay. The components of a total reward system include – Compensation. This component plays a critical role in the system and this includes the basic pay system (monthly or annual salary rate) and incentive or variable pay systems (Seaman, 45).

Benefits are the other component and are used to supplement money compensation received by the employees. Benefits are often designed to safeguard the employee and his or her family from financial risks. Examples of such benefits are life insurance, social insurance, medical insurance, savings scheme, company car, clean-up time, vacations, breaks and gym membership just to name a few. The third component of the total reward system stands with work life. In this component, the following aspects of rewarding are included: health and wellbeing, workplace flexibility, financial support, caring for dependents, community involvement, and culture change intervention.

Performance plays a major role at achieving organization objectives. Ultimately, this involves aligning the individual, team, and organizational efforts aimed at achieving the business goals as well as the organizational success. This kind of recognition acknowledges and pays attention to the efforts, action, performance, or behavior of an employee. However, it is good to note that this kind of recognition can be non-financial or financial (e.g.certificates, tickets, verbal recognition, dinners, est.) Development and career opportunity is another component of the total reward system. This component includes learning opportunities such as seminars, tuition, seminars, corporate universities, and conference attendance (Seaman, 78). It may as well include coaching and mentoring roles such as leadership training, exposure to experts and association memberships.

Question 3

            Gathering information regarding performance from a number of sources ultimately raises objectivity and makes sure that all factors influencing performance are taken into consideration. This sort of information is supposed to include objective data such as call records, sales reports, and deadline reports. Other sources of valuable information may be sourced from feedback from others, personal observation results, documenting on going dialogue, keeping records of any environmental or external factors that can influence the performance. As well, much review can also include the self-evaluation of an employee.

Other documents that can assist in the definition of performance objectives include objectives from the organization’s departments, past performance appraisals, and documented standards stipulating career goals. With a view of gathering feedback from the organization’s employees, the management should tend to employ the 360 degrees process of feedback. Along with completing the self-assessment, selected peers, managers, and subordinates are required to post feedback concerning pre-identified areas (Wigley, 71). This feedback should be based upon specific and identified competencies and skills (Tjosvold, Dean, and Mary, 89). Consequently, the final results are compared with the self-assessment resulted posted by the employees. In this case, this kind of feedback raises self-awareness. In other cases, this feedback is used for supporting the process of performance evaluation.

Activity C

Office Move

Salma Al-Rayaan has made exceptional strides since her appointment as the Office Manager. It is therefore crucial that an assessment of her role be made in order to determine her future performance in the organization. The office move was handled efficiently, bringing about a smooth transition in the working of the people. Despite a few hiccups along the way, Salma’s role was pivotal as she kept the management abreast of all information pertaining to the move in a timely manner.


            Despite her educational achievements, Salma still struggles to deal with the coordination of the receptionist team. The flow of information in this department is still wanting and an urgent intervention is required in order to streamline the workings of the team. It would be my recommendation that Salma gets more involved with the team and ensures that, with experience, she will make further strides into handling the receptionists.

HR Work

            Salma’s achievements in this area are noteworthy, with the highlights of her prowess including a more efficient expense-checking system that reduces the time and possible errors of the process. Her computerization of the process is also noteworthy, as it has also reduced the amount of physical paperwork that is needed for recording of information in the department. This is commendable and her enthusiasm in the process should be extended to her other areas of expertise in order to increase the efficiency of the entire organization.

PA Work

            Salma’s willingness to extend a helping hand is perfect to a fault. She has been noted as being always available when help is needed, and she will work diligently to achieve what is required of her. However, she seems to struggle with prioritizing the necessity of her actions. This becomes limiting as urgent workloads are always accomplished at the last minute. This increases the possibility for errors as the work is not done with the sufficiency that is demanded of the workforce. Therefore, the main recommendation would be that Salma should learn to prioritize her urgent affairs in order to ensure that her determination to help others does not limit the efficiency of her overall output.

Despite the limitations that have been noted, Salma is a good fit for the company and she should excel if she makes a note of the recommendations that are outlined above. The meeting for the assessment should be in line with the areas noted above, with each noted and dealt with individually. Her objectives for the next calendar year are to make improvements to the areas that are noted to be lacking as well as her roles in more areas of the organization.

Works Cited

Camilleri, Emanuel, and Der Van. “Organizational Commitment, Public Service Motivation, and Performance Within the Public Sector.” Public Performance & Management Review. 31.2 (2007): 241-274. Print.

Burman, Ryan. The Role of Performance Appraisal in Strategic Human Resources Management. 2009. Print.

Ochurub, Michael, Mark Bussin, and Xenia Goosen. “Organizational Readiness for Introducing a Performance Management System: Original Research.” Sa Journal of Human Resource Management. 10.1 (2012): 1-11. Print.

Ohemeng, Frank L. K. “Institutionalizing the Performance Management System in Public Organizations.” Public Performance & Management Review. 34.4 (2011): 467-488. Print.

Rantapuska, Torsti. Motivation Structure of End-User Application Developers in Organizational Learning. Tampere, Finland: University of Tampere, Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences, 2002. Print.

Seaman, Brendan. A Critical Analysis of Factors That Influence Employee Work Performance. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch, 2010. Print.

Tjosvold, Dean, and Mary M. Tjosvold. Psychology for Leaders: Using Motivation, Conflict, and Power to Manage More Effectively. New York: J. Wiley, 2005. Print.

Wigley, D. “Performance Review, Motivation and Organizational Culture.” Health Services Management. 85.6 (2009): 252-5. Print

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