Tashi Tsering and a Modern Tibet

Posted: October 17th, 2013






Tashi Tsering and a Modern Tibet

Tashi Tsering studied in India and the United States making tremendous progress in his education. He then returned to Tibet with the hope of advancing the standards of living for his people. He wanted Tibet to be modernized, thereby improving the standards of living of the citizens. He constructed many primary schools in the rural Tibet so that the children in these isolated areas could go to school. He wanted people in Tibet to be educated in the ways of the modern world. Tashi experienced life in Tibet before and after the Chinese existence. Therefore, the struggle he goes through during the Cultural Revolution and the trouble he endures to set up the schools shows his dissatisfaction with the Chinese communist government and the effects it had on the people of Tibet. He, therefore, puts an effort to try to modernize Tibet. He feels education plays a greater role in modernization than any other social improvement. Tashi hopes that in the future, people in Tibet receive adequate education, and this will lead to modernization and higher standards of living (Goldstein, Siebenschuh, Tsering, 121).

The CPP views globalization in an extremely state empowering way. They believe it to be one of the ways of making china rich. China has been undergoing a string of changes and changing its economic scheme to be in line with the swift changing global market. This is to obtain globalization. However, some structural imperfections in china act as a barrier to its change to a competent market economy. Chinese leaders launched the Western Development Campaign to enable long-term constancy. This campaign had importance to the future success of china. It was to reduce the local economic differences and unite Tibet and other politically aware inner regions.

The Dalai Lama to reclaim Tibet’s independence through non-violent means fought for more than twenty-five years. In 1988, they believed that the political system in china was instable (Goldstein, Siebenschuh, Tsering, 67). This worried them that their country would become destroyed. To prevent this potential catastrophe, the Dalai Lama decided to come to an agreement with the Chinese people. They did this by agreeing to the Chinese rule in order to protect Tibetan lives and existence. The Tibetans did not agree with the Dalai Lama’s way. However, the Dalai Lama believed this was the better option, and that it would eventually save their people. The Tibetans consider the Dalai Lama to be the revival of their lord of compassion. The Tibetans believe in the Dalai Lama’s teachings.

The Tibetans are nonviolent, spiritual and tolerant people. They are usually strong-minded in their spirit. That is where their strength lies. Tashi, the CPP, The Dalai Lama and the Tibetans all had one aim of attaining globalization. They all desired development and to protect their people so that they may continue existing. They all aimed for a better nation. Tashi’s vision and approach was by building schools and facilitating learning for the Tibetans (Goldstein, Siebenschuh, Tsering, 97). This was so that they could be able to be knowledgeable and be able to improve their standards of living just as he had. He was dissatisfied with the Chinese communist government. This served as an inspiration that spurred him on to go an extra mile. He did this by building schools and learning facilities, even though he had to go through a great deal of struggle to meet his goals in life.



Works Cited

Goldstein, Melvyn, William Siebenschuh, and Tashi Tsering. The Struggle for Modern Tibet: The Autobiography of Tashi Tsering. New York, NY: East Gate Book, 1999

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