The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal

Posted: October 17th, 2013

The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal







The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal

The article ‘Interpersonal-psychological Theory of suicidal Behavior: Current Status and Future Directions’ is about the factors leading a person to commit suicide (Ribeiro, & Joiner, 2009). According to the article, one million people die of suicide every day in the world. These figures are a worrying fact to the field of psychology. Therefore, the interpersonal psychological theory of suicide will help the users to learn why people commit suicide. Based on the study, people who commit suicide must have the desire and capability to commit suicide. This means that they have something that is driving them to commit suicide. Additionally, they must have the capacity to commit suicide (Ribeiro, & Joiner, 2009).

The study indicates that current studies done by other researchers show a relationship between the desire to commit suicide and the suicide related cases have significant ties. Moreover, those people who have succeeded to commit suicide show significant similarities to the theory. Finally, the study has given future directions to other researchers where they should find ways to apply the theory and reduce suicidal deaths. Additionally, the study has directed futures studies to perform a complete study for the purposes of complete appraisal.

I totally agree with the theory because many people who commit suicide have a unique belief that they are not wanted and they are a burden to others. For instance, people who commit suicide are constantly depressed due to the notion that they are useless to their closest friends and family members. Additionally, when a person wants to commit suicide, he or she must have the capability (Stellrecht, Gordon, Van, Witte, Wingate, Cukrowicz, Butler & Joiner, 2006). This means that a person can really inflict pain upon himself or herself. This is very true according to the interpersonal psychological theory because many people who commit suicide often exhibit these characteristics (Ribeiro, & Joiner, 2009). Due these facts, I highly agree with the study.

In addition to the above, I agree with the study because it clearly gives a reasonable explanation that is real and tested (Ribeiro, & Joiner, 2009). For instance, many psychologists explain that those people who commit suicide are often affected emotionally leading to psychological problems. In this case, those people who are neglected by their parents tend to put themselves in their own world. As a result, they find themselves unworthy to anyone. This leaves these people with no other option rather than committing suicide (Bryan, Morrow, Anestis & Joiner, 2010). Psychologists also add that suicidal people are not afraid of inflicting pain on their body. This is similar to the theory thus leading to my conclusion that I agree with the theory.

The article has made great contribution to the field of psychology. In this case, psychologists can be able to identify people at risk of death by suicide thus preventing this occurrence. For example, when treating a patient, the psychologist might come across these behaviors, he or she might be able to help the patient by diagnosing and prescribing treatment that will help the patient in the end. As a result, it will prevent the patient from committing suicide.

Additionally, psychology can use information from this study to find ways of intervention to help people who are prevalent to such character traits. In this case, psychologists will be able to find ways in which they can use to search for a solution and reduces the rates of death by suicide. For instance, the study has provided facts resulting to people committing suicide. When using these facts, future researchers will be able to come up with remedies applicable to the situation resulting to the reduction in the rates of suicidal deaths. This shows that the information from the study has made immense impacts in the field of psychology.

The article is of great worth since it has made significant accomplishments in the psychological study. This is because it has established the link between a sense of burden to others and a sense of not belonging. These two may seem the same but are different. This study has shown the difference and the effects to the suicide victims. Finally, a reality of the situation is indicated by the study. In this case, there is provision of wealthy information in the study showing how the theory could be applied.



Bryan, C. J., Morrow, C. E., Anestis, M. D., & Joiner, T. E. (2010). A preliminary test of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior in a military sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 3, 347-350.

Ribeiro, J. D. & Joiner, T. E. (2009). Interpersonal-psychological Theory of suicidal Behavior: Current Status and Future Directions. John Wiley and Sons. 65 (12), 1291-1299.

Stellrecht, N. E., Gordon, K. H., Van, O. K., Witte, T. K., Wingate, L. R., Cukrowicz, K. C., Butler, M., … Joiner, T. E. J. (2006). Clinical applications of the interpersonal-psychological theory of attempted and completed suicide. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62, 2, 211-22.


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