“The Pleasure of Rabbit Holes”

Posted: October 17th, 2013





1. Virginia Hefferman, “The Pleasure of Rabbit Holes”

2. Words such as trance, absorbed, cold war, fraud and the internet are very conspicuous. Phrases such as intercontinental ballistic missiles, immersive intrigue, rich, haughty murderous people and identity theft are also captivation.

3. The article is about the power of the media, focusing more on the internet. It has the ability to take us in a trance.

4. The article gives me a deeper perspective of the power of the internet. It has the power of letting one see an interesting side of the user, which is not seen on normal circumstances.

5. The writer purpose of using metaphors and similes and irony in communicating the effect of the internet on the user were effective. The writer’s audience is everybody who has access to the internet whether young or old.

1. Marissa Petrarca, “A Crest Side Story”

2. Words such as Kitchen, rant, loyalty and disoriented are significant to the story. Phrases such as like a security guard tails a kid suspected of shoplifting and gruff-sounding men.

3. The author shows how people’s personalities affect the relationship between the workers and their bosses.

4. This articles shows that people may develop a poor relationship with their co-workers because of what they have gone through in life.

5. By telling her own experience (anecdote), the author enables her audience to relate their actions at work with their personal live (what they have through in life). The audience interprets the article as not a fictional story. but a real life story they can associate with.

1. David Tankelfsky, “Duties of Adulthood”

2. Words include impartial, quasi-incoherent, prosecution, defense attorney, juror, quizzical look, guilty lieutenant and verdict.

3. The author gives a perspective of being an adult that it not experienced by most adults. This deciding whether a person is guilty or not.

4. As I read the article, I realize that adult decisions come earlier than expected. In some cases, they are not about deciding a child’s school or buying a mortgage.

5. The writer’s purpose was to show the audience the unanticipated decisions a young adult may come across in life. The audience is given the chance of experiencing the power of the decisions young adults may be expected to make before they realize they should be making them.

1. Dave Eggers, “Excerpt from What is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng, A Novel”

2. Words include sensitive, tenuousness, launched into my plea, taunting, fathom and emboldened.

3. The author depicts the obstacles between hope, ones dreams and the reality.

4. The article is a goods example of the obstacle and challenges posing between ones dreams and the reality of achieving them.

5. The author gives a very good example of the airplane delay and the words of the lost man as challenges of achieving the dream. The audience is able to equate these two examples with other issues appearing in its lives.

1. Gunjan Sinha, “Genetics: The Moistness of your Earwax is Controlled by a Single Gene-and that may be more Important than you Think”

2. Words include genetics, epidemiologist, orchestrate, apocrine, and pungent body odor.

3. The author gives us a reason to be more concerned on the earwax-producing gene than we already are. It is related to other parts of the body.

4. The article greatly summarizes the relationship between the earwax-producing gene and the other parts of the body such as the breasts.

5. The author’s main idea was to give the audience a glance of insignificantly perceived body parts are crucial to the whole body. The audience are able to see how even the most insignificantly perceived body part is significant to the whole body.

1. Jane Rae-Dupree, “How Bullets Tell a Tale”

2. Words include ballistic fingerprints, microscopic imperfections in the gun’s mechanism and permutations.

3. The article is about the challenges faced by a ballistic investigator.

4. Although there is the use of unfamiliar words, the author has tried to take the reader through the processes and the challenges faced by ballistic investigators.

5. The author takes the audience through the field of ballistic investigation with the easiest words possible without loosing the meaning of the process. The audience is able to explore the field of ballistic investigation, which is mostly seen in detective movies.

1. Charles Fishman, “Mighty Mice”

2. Words include Nobel Prize, lab mouse, indispensable, undergraduate, penicillin, Alzheimer’s, AIDS and multiple sclerosis.

3. The article explains why mice are good for biological research.

4. The author has given a summary of the reasons that lead researchers to use the lab mouse for biological research.

5. The author has given a good perception of the mice to the audience thus making the audience look at them from another perspective. The audience is able to view the mice as ‘heroes’ from the author’s perspective.

1. Charles Fishman, “The Scoop on Disney’s Dirty Laundry”

2. Words include illusions, animations, and goofy grinning characters and forestall.

3. The author gives a gives a view of a part of Disney that is hardly talked about yet it is so significant, the laundry room.

4. The author has greatly focused on the activities of the laundry room in Disney, thus showing its significant yet it is hardly known by the outside world.

5. The author shows the audience that in Disney, and any other organization, even the least of the areas such as the laundry room is a significant as the other areas. The audience is able to monitor the activities of a very important area in Disney that they would have otherwise not known about.

1. Katie Koch, “Reading at Grade Level”

2. Words include grade level, percentile, hypothetical, prodigy and deceptively.

3. The article explains the meaning and interpretation of ‘reading at grade level’.

4. The author’s use of the examples (Sarah, Jane and Johnny) enables the reader to get an easier way of understanding the meaning and interpretation of the topic.

5. The author gives the audience a clear interpretation of the topic with identifiable examples. The audience is able to understand the topic using examples that they can identify with.

1. Writing in the works Interview with Charles Fishman

2. Words include explanatory, expository material, anecdote and bafflement.

3. The article is about the process of writing a short article as told by Charles Fishman

4. The question and answer technique makes the article to engaging, interesting and educative.

5. Using the interviewing method, the author enables the audience to get a direct response from the one being interviewed. The audience is able to direct with the one being interviewed directly, which is better as opposed to indirect speech or reporting from a third person.

1. Caitlin Austin, “Fraternities of the Future: Dry or Wet?”

2. Words include strewn, binge drinkers and cohesion.

3. The article focuses on binge drinking in relation to fraternities.

4. By associating statistical evidence with his anecdote, the author shows how binge drinking is more likely to happen in fraternities than in other places. These people are always giving excuses to their drinking.

5. The author shows the reason why binge drinking is more in fraternities by giving examples of excuses identifiable by the audience especially those who have attended college. The audience identifies with the article as it incorporates real life experiences and statistical evidence.

1. Meredith Jeffries, “Chasing the Blues Away: Use of Antidepressants among Teens”

2. Words include Prozac, depression, antidepressants, therapeutic, psychotherapy, obsessive-compulsive disorders and cognitive behavior therapist.

3. The articles focuses on the increased use of depressants in teenagers and adolescents today more than it was used in the past.

4. The author has greatly used Geena’s family example in illustrating the increased used of the antidepressants on teenagers and their families.

5. The author has analyzed the topic using examples and statistical evidence thus allowing the audience to get a deeper focus of the topic. The audience, especially parents and teenagers, can be able to identify with the articles as it gives examples, statistical evidence and it is about them.

1. Chris Suellentrop, “Playing with our Heads”

2. Words infrared beams, inculcate, mundane lives.

3. The articles focuses on video games as a teaching devise as opposed to being a destructive devise.

4. In using statistics, examples, references and pictures, the author greatly shows the significance of video games in warfare as compared their destructive implications.

5. The author has greatly explored the various technologies in video games, which have been developed specifically to aid in combat work. The audience gets a different perspective of combat video games, which has been a centre of debate in matters pertaining video games.

1. Kera Jesella, “A Hipper Crowd of Shushers”

2. Words include impresario, insurmountable and activism.

3. The article is about the revolution of the librarians.

4. The author has done a good job in trying to bring the change in the modern librarians by including anecdotes, examples and references.

5. The author incorporates the incidence of the librarians drinking with the facts from various sources, which make the reading interesting to the audience. The audience is able to get a different perspective of the modern librarian as compared to the traditional one.

Works Cited

Austin, Catlin. Fraternities of the Future: Dry or Wet? Anatomy of a Trend Analysis. 538-541.

Eggers, Dave. Excerpt from What is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng, A Novel. Memoirs. 211-214.

Fishman, Charles. Mighty Mice. Short Articles. 129-130.

Fishman, Charles. The Scoop on Disney’s Dirty Laundry. 130-131.

Heffeman, Virginia. The Pleasure of Rabbit Holes. Reading, Thinking and Looking Critcally. 97-98.

Kach, Katie. Reading at Grade Level. Short Articles. 132-133.

Jasella, Kara. A Hipper Crowd of Shushers. 554-556

Jeffries, Meredith. Chasing the Blues Away: Use of Antidepressants among Teens. Research Articles. 541-546.

Petrrca, Marissa. “A Crest Side Story”. Memoirs. 200-204.

Rae-Dupree, Janet. How Bullets Tell a Tale. Mighty Mice. 128-129.

Sinha, Gunjan. Genetics: The Moistness of your Earwax is Controlled by a single gene- and that may be more important than you think. Anatomy of a Short Article. 127.

Tankelfsky, David. Duties of Adulthood. Memoirs. 205-208.

Suellentrop, Chris. Playing with our Heads. Research Articles. 547-553.

Writing in the Works: Interview with Charles Fishman. 134-135.

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