Training Development

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Training Development





Training Development

History of the organization

Training new employees on the history of the organization would best be done through a classroom setting where one of the orienting or training personnel members presents information about the past of the company (Mayhew, 2013). Some of the information can include the achievements made such as how the organization has been able to realize its mission and vision statement. Other areas can include the reputation of the company to the external environment in the past (Griffin, 2011). Most important, is how the organization was started and its main purpose of establishment, which is providing quality medical suppliers that help people with daily challenges. Presentation using computers and projectors for visual and audio delivery would be beneficial for this training. For instance, slides can be presented through the projector with explanations while vital information on organizational events such as awards can be presented using visual pictures or even videos.

Orientation to organizational policies

For organizational policies, the new employees can be trained in a classroom setting or through lectures with a presenter. The aim of orienting new employees to company policies is to provide them with information concerning the policies adopted by the organization such as appearance policies that includes behavior, dress code and conduct, disciplinary actions or appraisal process, sexual harassment laws, as well as anti-discrimination policies amongst others (Mayhew, 2013). Such information is better learnt when one starts in the classroom (Griffin, 2011). The presenter can use projectors or computer based presentations with examples of cases where the policies have not been adhered to and their impact, in order to emphasize what should and should not be practiced. For instance, to show the dangers of smoking within the production unit in order to deter such behavior, one can use computer graphics of dangers likely to occur such as explosions.

Kareco product line

            Considering the new employees will be working in the new electric wheelchair product line, it should be the area requiring most thorough training. Product line training requires several methods to ensure effectiveness such as lectures, demonstration discussion and computer based methodologies. The first should be lectures with visual and audio aids. This should act as the induction where the new employees get a glimpse of the product line and what they expect to find, such as the machinery used for production and their specifications. The next step would be a practical lesson where the new employees will have more knowledge on the product line practically (Werner & DeSimone 2008). This should be through conducting practical lessons where the employees use the equipment. The trainer must have extensive knowledge on the product line in order to help the trainees (Mayhew, 2013). Practical work with the equipment such as operations and maintenance will provide some experience to the employees.

Manufacturing plant safety protocols

            This crucial area should go along with the product line training. During the product line training, the new employees should be instructed on the safety protocols they need to observe. Induction to safety information such as things to avoid should be done within the classroom while more practical safety measures for handling of equipments should be demonstrated in the product line (Griffin, 2011). Within the classroom setting, visual aids that include presentations and display posters can be used to show the protocols that should be adhered. For instance, visual aids showing that running in the product line is banned should be used. Computer-based training should be used to show complex areas of the equipments that need to be avoided such as the moving parts. The likely dangers should be discussed

Electric Wheelchair Parts

            The new employees will need to be conversant with the wheelchair parts in order to manufacture the best quality. The best methodology to use in training the new employee on the part is issuing them with the parts in a classroom setting and having discussions of their use, as well as handling including manufacturing. This can include several methods such as demonstrations, discussions as mentioned and computer-based methods. Computer-based graphics can be used to show how the parts integrate to complete the wheelchair. This should be done in both the classroom setting and within the product line (Werner & DeSimone 2008).

Wheelchair housing & primary wheel-base assembly

            This involves assembling of the wheelchair parts to make the wheelchair without the electric part. To train the employees on the assembling of these parts, demonstration will be the best method to use. This should be done practically as well as using videos and computer-aided demonstrations with both visual and audio abilities. Using computer aided demonstration or graphics helps in illustrating more details of where each part joins with the other (Werner & DeSimone 2008). For instance, demonstrating how the wheel is attached to the axle can be done using computer graphics or video.

Design and troubleshooting of the wheelchair power-pack

            With electric parts in the wheelchair, troubleshooting will be required for the power-pack. The training for the power-pack will best be done through demonstration and lectures. Lectures will focus on reasons why troubleshooting will be required. The design as well should be taught using demonstrations as well as discussion why a certain design would be ideal. Discussions should be held in during lectures. Demonstrations are ideal where employees are able to see a practical view of what is expected. Discussions provide justification or reasons for the design and troubleshooting. Computer based demonstrations can be used where employees can refer back later when they need clarification as they move along (Werner & DeSimone 2008).

Electric wheelchair functions & controls (for quality testing)

            Making a device without knowledge about its functions would make it hard to conduct quality testing after manufacturing. This would require training the new employees on the functions and controls of the wheelchair so that they can conduct tests after manufacturing. Training for this sector would best through demonstration where the trainer shows every purpose of all the controls and functions performed by the electric wheel chair. This can be done through classroom setting where the demonstrations are done by the presenter and discussions concerning the functions and controls are done. Several scenarios should be set where trainees are tested through performing some of the functions with the wheelchair (Werner & DeSimone 2008).

Considering that the new employees will be working in the new product line, much of their work will be practical. Therefore, their training will be more practical where demonstration is the best methodology to use. However, technology such as computer-aided or computer based demonstrations are ideal since they offer the employees demonstrations any time they need them. Although lectures within a classroom setting are important, they do not offer demonstration all the time as computer based training would (Werner & DeSimone 2008).



Griffin, R. (2011). Fundamentals of Management. New York, N.Y: Cengage Learning.

Mayhew, R. (2013). Orientation of New Employees Regarding Company Policies & Procedures. Retrieved from

Werner, J.M. & DeSimone, R. L. (2008). Human Resource Development. New York, N.Y: Cengage Learning.

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