Unstructured Data Integration

Posted: October 17th, 2013

Unstructured Data Integration







From: Supervisor

Date: 14 May 2012

Subject: Approach to Unstructured Data Integration

I read about different approaches of unstructured data integration written Baars and Kemper. The information by the authors is noteworthy in contributing positively in the management of our corporation because it analyses diverse methods of administration. Unstructured data contains a great deal of information that can be important in a business intelligent system. As the supervisor of the company, I found this article and noticed its importance to the company in future. The massage contained in the article is important in several ways for you to understand the intelligence of a business. Baars and Kemper however come up with an explanation of the unstructured data integration using a three-tier framework that is highly relevant to your organization in terms of accumulating all the firms’ capabilities and transforms them into useful knowledge. The massage contained in the article is important in several ways for you to understand the intelligence of a business.

I hope you will consider the article of help to the company.

Kind regards







Current topics on IT- Server virtualization

            Virtualization refers to the creation of a virtual version of a hardware platform, operating system or network resources (Turban & Lee, 2008). This technique includes automatic computing that allows nearly all functions to manage themselves based on perceived activity and utility computing which provides services as per the needs of the clients. Virtualization aims at centralizing administrative tasks while improving scalability (Fabian, 2006). The main advantage of operating system virtualization is that numerous smaller servers can be combined onto one mainframe, which provides the benefits of centralization while allowing specialized servers to operate. IBM mainframes are the best example of an application of virtualization. They are capable of multiple levels of virtualization by dividing a machine into numerous logical partitions. The most common uses of server virtualization are in web servers (Golden, 2007). The advantage that this has on the commercial sector is that it provides adequate room to grow. Many companies have not yet embraced this new technology. Coupled with the stormy economy, virtualization will definitely be adopted by many firms as they can help save money. As a student in computer-science, the new technology is an opportunity for me to implement a large operations system with minimal cost and still achieve the same result.

Business intelligence

Business intelligence refers to the organizations’ deliberate action to accumulate all its capabilities and transform them into knowledge that is beneficial to the relevant people in a timely fashion. Business intelligence is important in many firms as it spurs the development of new opportunities for the organization (Rodriguez, Daniel, Casati & Capiello, 2010). Henning Baars and Hans-George Kemper interpret business intelligence as covering “all the components of an integrated management support infrastructure” (Baars & Kemper, 2008). The article “Management Support with Structured and Unstructured Data—An Integrated Business Intelligence Framework” discussed three approaches to the integration of structured and unstructured data for management support and positioned them in an integrated BI framework. Baars touches on the vital aspects of analysis of structured data like mining and using Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools.

The authors also address a multi-layer framework for business intelligences, which distinguishes between the data, logical and access layers while drawing out their functions within the intelligence system. For an IT program, the inclusion of business intelligence in the program will assist in incorporating different skills and techniques for identifying cost-effective solutions, new business opportunities and a faster reaction to market fluctuations. Furthermore, students can be taught how to apply business intelligence in evaluating both suppliers and customers’ relationships to the firm by giving them more advantage. This advantage is in terms of knowledge on supplier net worth or customer purchasing power.

The three approaches to integrate structured and unstructured data found within the article contain the following ideas. Baars and Kemper conclude that their interpretation of business intelligence and unstructured data integration using a framework can be useful in creating precursors for the implementation of data integration. However, the issues plaguing business intelligence methods for example handling large volumes of unstructured data that end up having no benefit to the organization (Inmon & Nesavich, 2008) as well as excess spending on business intelligence infrastructure which may have a negative effect in lowering the profit margins. Regardless of this, business intelligence has made revolutionary changes in the evaluation of unstructured data into valuable information that has far-reaching consequences like saving a firm in trouble (Ryan Mulcahy, 2012)

Annotated Bibliography

Baars, H., & Kemper, H. G. (2008). Organization sustain with prepared and formless information and integrated business framework. Information Systems Management, 25(2), 132–148. Information Systems Management explains the development of organization sustain towards wide business intelligent infrastructures. The book explains the significance of incorporation of mechanism for management of unstructured data. Moreover, it shows how it comes into focus of management in a business. The basic ideas in this presentation results to a wide spread spectrum of integration possibilities such as starting with simple contents in firmly coupled systems.

Golden, B. (2007). Virtualization for dummies (r). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub., Inc. Virtualization for dummies simplifies the whole understanding of virtualization with a stress on the related LUNS and RAID technology that is very complex. It specifically expounds on the mysteries of cloud computing. The book also uses practical examples for further illustration of the types of virtualization. Bernard went further to include sections on making a business case for virtualization that brought up other commercially viable uses of this new technology. The publication is highly credible as it has a wide range of input from virtualization gurus like IBM, HP, Novell and Xensource.

Fabian, et al. (2006) article, “Virtualization in the Enterprise” from Intel Technology Journal, volume 10, issue 3, pages 227–242. The authors’ virtualization program achieved higher server utilization, made it easier to manage data center assets, and reduced the consumption of data center resources (floor space, power, etc.), and simplified server releases through standardization.


Baars, H., & Kemper, H. G. (2008). Organization sustain with prepared and formless information and integrated business framework. Information Systems Management, 25(2), 132–148.

Fabian, et al. (2006) article, “Virtualization in the Enterprise” from Intel Technology Journal, volume 10, issue 3, pages 227–242.

Golden, B. (2007). Virtualization for dummies (r). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub., Inc.

Inmon, B. & A. Nesavich, (2008)”Unstructured Textual Data in the Organization” from “Managing Unstructured data in the organization”, Prentice Hall, pp. 1–13

Mulcahy, Ryan, (2012) Business Intelligence Definition and Solutions, CIO, 16 (8)

Rodriguez, Carlos; Daniel, Florian; Casati, Fabio; Cappiello, Cinzia (2010). “Toward Uncertain Business Intelligence: The Case of Key Indicators”. IEEE Internet Computing, 14 (4)

Turban, E. D; Lee, J; Viehland, D (2008). Electronic commerce 2008: A managerial perspective. Upper Saddle River, N. J: Pearson. pp 27


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