Welcome Letter

Posted: August 6th, 2013





Welcome Letter

Dear Parents:

Welcome to our esteemed school. Kindergarten marks the basis of all subsequent instruction later in your child’s life. It is, therefore, very important that this stage of your child’s education register success. This can only happen if both parents and teachers involve themselves in their child’s education to ensure effective curriculum delivery.

A child’s cognitive development is a natural process, and young children learn through interacting with the environment and the people around them (Hughes 64). The school prides in this philosophy as we strive to ensure that education is as interactive as possible and at the same time ensuring each is given child personal attention, focusing on their interests and developing skills around these interests. This approach in the end ensures that we explore the child’s potential and release it into the world.

Lidz postulates, “The best way to assess learning is to involve the child in a learning situation” (112). The school, therefore, offers a comprehensive assessment criterion based on the child’s overall life in school. Assessment considers how effectively a child communicates with his teachers in the learning process and how he communicates with other children during play sessions and class time. The teacher encourages friendship among the children. In so much as the teacher is the authority figure in the classroom, school policy encourages friendship between the learner and tutor. The school will require parents to visit the school every fortnight to discuss their child’s progress in school to ensure that behavior at home and school match. Records are kept to this effect so that the child’s development is documented through out the year. Finally, assessment considers the child’s academic potential. This assessment considers how effectively the child participates in class activities and on how they perform on tasks given. Tasks depend on what the teacher has observed as being the child’s interests. Your child is also subject to basic cognitive tests and records kept on the findings. The findings will be subject to discussion by the parents and teachers. The school considers matters of indiscipline seriously. Any cases of indiscipline will require both the parents and administration’s attention to determine the causes, and how to deal with them in the future.

The school has prepared a series of activities one day every week for the first three weeks to ensure children remain driven and encouraged to continue the learning process. These activities include:

  1. A visit to an animal park. This is to expose the child to an unknown world with an aim of expanding their interests and worldview. Two parents will be required to join the tour.
  2. Bring your parent to school day where parents have to share about their careers. This is to inspire children to dream and aspire to impact positively in the society.
  3. Family day. All parents will be required to come and have fun with their children.

All planned activities try to ensure parents are actively involved in their children’s education. Parental involvement is linked to “improved interactions with the child, including greater acceptance of the child’s behavior” (Gestwicki and Bertrand, 7). Involvement enables you as a parent to understand your child better. Welcome to our school, we wish your child unqualified success

Works Cited

Gestwicki, Carol, Jane Bertrand, and Carol Gestwicki. Essentials of Early Childhood Education. Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2008. Print.

Hughes, Pat. Breaking Barriers to Learning in Primary Schools: An Integrated Approach to Children’s Services. London: Routledge, 2010. Print.

Lidz, Carol S. Early Childhood Assessment. New York: Wiley, 2003. Print.


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