
A Rogerian Argument Essay

A Rogerian argument essay is written on the background of argumentative reasoning with the aim to establish a common ground between parties with opposing viewpoints In regard to the aforementioned write a Rogerian argument essay on any topic except:abortioncapital punishmentgay marriagegays in the militarymandatory drug testingeuthanasiachildhood obesitywomen in the militaryUnderage drinkingLegalization of marijuana The following […]

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Date: September 8th, 2022

The English language is viewed as being shaped by both current political circumstances and by a longer history. Discuss, drawing on material from at least two blocks and from an online journal article of your choice.

The English language is a key medium through which the themes of politics and history are threaded. You will probably find it useful to identify one or two key areas where the use of the English language is contested or controversial (e.g. education policy, national language policy, migration, colonisation, prescriptivism and ‘correctness’, the choice to […]

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Date: September 8th, 2022

Political Science

The essay is divided into two parts but should be written as a single coherent piece of work – i.e. an introduction and a conclusion that relate to both parts. The body of the essay may be structured into two sections, but better essays will establish connections between the two sections. Topic: Part 1 With […]

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Date: August 23rd, 2022

Criminal Law

Basically, this assignment is to read the bottom case and answer those questions as well. At the same time, please use the book called Criminal Law by Brody Acker for support answers and references. Assignment Instructions Omar Little was a prominent businessman in the state of Delaware. He spent a lot of time doing community […]

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Date: August 23rd, 2022

Real Estate Sustainability

You need to establish a range of methods to be employed in the sustainability of the real estate portfolio is likely to need to be supported by the use of existing tools, and management systems such as sustainable foot-printing. You should identify the tools that can support sustainability improvement as well as deliver key indicators. […]

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Date: August 23rd, 2022

board games

Background ResearchAs part of this project, each group member will research one type of game, such that each groupmember researches a different game type (card games, dice games, board games, computer games, etc.)and is expected to be able to describe how mathematics and probability are involved in at least onefull page of the technical report […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

social media marketing

Presentation is about social media marketing . Mention the users of twitter, how twitter works, stats of twitter, type of tweets, who uses twitter (please mention companies who use twitter, any features of twitter.

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Date: June 15th, 2022

Criminal law

Find a news article covering a property or public order/morality crime in the United States. Based on the news article, create an argument for why the party (or parties) involved in the crime is (are) either guilty or innocent as though you were the prosecutor or defense attorney. Using a PowerPoint slide or similar presentation […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022

Prophet Muhammad and the five personality dimensions

Prophet Muhammad and the five personality dimensions 1) Surgency It is a personality dimension that shows to what extent one is able to continue what he starts, even if he faced barriers, and keep going with positive thinking and high stamina. Plus the extent to which an individual is wanting to be a leader or […]

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Date: June 15th, 2022